the challenge

Enjoy spending a good time of fun and excitement through competition through challenge Tahaddi is a competitive electronic game, based on learning with entertainment, of a scientific nature based on fun and excitement and promoting the use of digital technologies, targeting all segments of Saudi society, in line with the objectives of National Transformation Program (2020) to achieve the Kingdom's vision (2030)

Enjoy spending a good time of fun and excitement through competition through challenge Tahaddi is a competitive electronic game, based on learning with entertainment, of a scientific nature based on fun and excitement and promoting the use of digital technologies, targeting all segments of Saudi society, in line with the objectives of National Transformation Program (2020) to achieve the Kingdom's vision (2030)

Enjoy spending a good time of fun and excitement through competition through challenge Tahaddi is a competitive electronic game, based on learning with entertainment, of a scientific nature based on fun and excitement and promoting the use of digital technologies, targeting all segments of Saudi society, in line with the objectives of National Transformation Program (2020) to achieve the Kingdom's vision (2030)

• + 50.3 مليون تحدي
• + 2.1 مليون مستخدم
• + 990 ألف مستخدم يتفاعل يوميًا
• + 900 ألف مرة تم تحميل التطبيق فيها